Washington DC Adventure: A Traveler’s Tale of Unexpected Turns

The Capitol building with water fountain in front during our Washington DC adventure

Our Washington DC adventure got off to a wonderful start, but it took an unexpected turn that ended up costing me over $500. Despite this initial setback, the rest of the trip turned out to be quite enjoyable.

I had been longing to take an Amtrak train down to DC for quite some time, and finally, I found a weekend that worked for us. The journey was relatively short, with only about four stops, taking a little over an hour. Stepping off the train at Union Station was a sight to behold. Its grand hall and numerous shops harked back to a bygone era.

Our hotel was conveniently located just a short walk from Union Station. However, this is where the “fun” began. Somehow, I managed to book the wrong dates for our hotel reservation, which meant we were a day late. When we attempted to check in, the hotel inexplicably charged us again for what we had already paid through Hotwire. Furthermore, they gave us the wrong room key, leading us to mistakenly enter a room that was already occupied! It became abundantly clear that it was time to find another place to stay. While we successfully canceled the incorrect room charges, I unfortunately lost the money I had prepaid through Hotwire. Fortunately, there was a hotel across the street with available rooms, so we relocated there.

The next day, we embarked on a sightseeing adventure, exploring various museums. On a whim, we decided to take a tour of the Capitol, which turned out to be somewhat underwhelming as we only visited two rooms housing statues. We continued sightseeing and attempted to visit the Smithsonian’s Air and Space Museum, but it was “sold out” or had reached its maximum capacity. However, we managed to secure tickets for the Spy Museum, which proved to be incredibly interesting, showcasing espionage techniques from various decades. After the museum visit, we headed to the Wharf area but were underdressed for the upscale restaurants there. Instead, we settled for Shake Shack nearby, expecting a quick meal, which, to my surprise, took nearly 40 minutes.

The following day was filled with more sightseeing and museum visits. We began with a visit to the Holocaust Museum, which unfortunately left us feeling somewhat disappointed due to its limited number of artifacts and the predominance of informational panels and videos. We then proceeded to see iconic landmarks like the White House, the National Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial. On our way back, we made a stop at the Smithsonian’s Museum of American History, which proved to be a more enjoyable experience with its index card-sized information sheets and a plethora of fascinating artifacts. Unfortunately, we arrived just an hour before the museum’s closing time at 5:30 pm.

Getting around the city was an adventure in itself, and fortunately, the weather was on our side. We made use of the various rideshare options available, including bikes and scooters, and when those were not available, we explored the city on foot, totaling over 30,000 steps one day.

Washington DC, while offering plenty to see and do, didn’t strike us as the most tourist-friendly city. The city blocks were unusually long, making walking from place to place quite time-consuming. We were grateful for the availability of bike and scooter rentals to help us get around efficiently. Unfortunately, we forgot to bring sunscreen, and with temperatures in the mid to high 90s, we ended up with sunburn. Finding a nearby store proved to be a challenge, as many Walgreens and CVS stores either moved or no longer existed. Walmart was nowhere to be found, 7-11s were blocks away, and affordable dining options were either closed or operating on a limited schedule, often closed until Monday or Tuesday. To top it off, certain items were surprisingly expensive, exemplified by the hotel shop’s $7.00 price tag for a simple ChapStick.

The total cost of our trip amounted to $1,726.63, factoring in my mishap. Without the mishap, the expenses would have been $1,201.38, encompassing hotel(s), food, transportation, and activities. Here’s a detailed breakdown of our trip:

Transportation $146.63
Yotel (Mishap) $525.25
Hyatt $761.79
Food & Drinks $173.40
Souvenirs $49.56
Activities $70

Despite my initial mishap with the hotel reservation, this trip would have been nearly perfect. The train rides were convenient, the city had much to offer in terms of attractions, and ride-sharing options made getting around a breeze.

For more great pictures, check out my Intstagram at jsone9!

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