Fort McHenry: A Historical Gem in Baltimore

Fort McHenry sitting a top a small hill with the American Flag waving in the wind.

Should you travel to Fort McHenry? Absolutely. It is the birthplace of our great country’s national anthem. Situated in downtown Baltimore, located right on the Chesapeake Bay, it overlooks the bay where British ships once came and attacked. Now, you look out and see the Key Bridge and the Port of Baltimore. It is easily accessible right off interstate 95.

Whether you are into history or just love to walk, there is the best of both worlds. Before you begin your journey, head into the visitor center where they have a gift shop, artifacts, and a brief movie on the history of Fort McHenry. Be sure to stay until the end as they lift the curtains to show Fort McHenry in all its glory. Once the movie is over, you have the option to buy a wrist ban. That will allow you to enter the fort, it cost $15, if you do not meet any discounts.

Inside, you can view sleeping quarters, storage areas, and places to lock up the enemy. Some building have artifacts on the things they have found on the property. Those include old dishes, bottles, buttons, and other things. Then you can walk up on top of the walls, where the points are, and look out over the bay.

If you are not into the history of it, there are plenty of areas to walk. You can walk around the entire fort and along the seawall of the bay. On the Southern end, there is a shrine of Francis Scott Key. There is plenty of parking and it makes for a great day to get out and enjoy the sun. It is also perfect for the entire family.

Fort McHenry is a National Historic Park so make sure you grab your cancellation stamp while you are there. You should at least visit the park once so you can say you have been to where the National Anthem was written. It will give you a sense of pride and deeper understanding of America’s song.

For some awesome travel pictures, be sure to check out my Instagram page at jsone9!

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